Prime Books

Futsal - Training Methods From training to high performance by Marquinhos Xavier

19,90 EUR


This book, authored by one of the world's greatest references in the sport, presents everything necessary to properly train and prepare a futsal team.

Based on the vast experience acquired through many years of practice at the highest level, as well as the continuous training actions that he has been developing and promoting for a long time, Marquinhos Xavier explains and exemplifies in this book a training methodology with its various levels and modes of performance.

It also deals with understanding the game, with the identification and explanation of futsal concepts, not forgetting the processes and models of construction and development.

Product Details

Futsal - Training Methods: From basic to high performance by Marquinhos Xavier
Publisher: Prime Books

Language: Portuguese

Dimensions: 166 x 252 x 6 mm

Binding: Softcover

Pages: 124

About the Author:

Marquinhos Xavier, needs no introduction: he is responsible for the best futsal team in the world, the Brazilian one, and today he is considered the biggest reference in futsal training in the world.

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